Offer personalized experiences
Stop worrying about last-minute requests
Stand out in the vacation rentals industry
Give back to your community
Earn guests’ loyalty and 5-star reviews
Vacation Rentals Upselling Tool
What You Get
Your vacation rental will stand out from the competition
Easy suggestion of services and goods to your guests
100% free (no upfront payment or subscription required)
Smart Refer-And-Earn process
Why Choose GuestLikeLocal
Quick setup
Create your account
Choose experiences and services you would like to offer
Don’t forget to connect your Stripe account
Send your guests their Guest Like Local unique link
Money maker and time saver
Subscription is free
You pay only as soon as you start selling
Save valuable time and cost, by knowing what your guests want
An efficient and simple way to increase your revenue
Create a unique trip for your guests
Familiarize them with local experiences and services
Ask your guests what they like… and offer accordingly
Connect with your local stores and offer unique deals
No-touch transactions
Go Local and Earn More
Offering unique experiences while earning extra income has never been easier!
Offer an incredible local experience
The majority of travelers who choose vacation rentals, want to maintain their everyday routine during vacation. In fact, 67% of travelers choose this type of accomodation, just because they need access to facilities like kitchen. Give them the option to cook with local organic products from the flee market across the street and even spice it up with some well-kept secret recipes.
It is quite interesting that 84% of vacation rental companies need to offer services that are currently unavailable in their current software suite. Our upselling tool is one step ahead, giving you the chance to step up your hosting game!
92% of travelers say they trust reviews from their friends over a random commercial. Providing a great experience will help you bring in repetitive guests and quite possibly their peers!
Most importantly: 67% of travelers wish that their future bookings will help rebuild communities around the world. Βy supporting local hosts, they're doing a making a big step towards that direction.