Frequently Asked Questions

Vacation Rentals

How can I use GuestLikeLocal on vacation rental platforms like Airbnb & VRBO?

It’s really very easy: Include the link to your eshop to every welcome email you send to your guests.

How do the products get delivered to the apartment?

The property manager is responsible to purchase and deliver the goods to the final customer/guest.

I only have one apartment/villa and I am not sure what products/services to offer

  • Talk to your guests and ask them what they’d like to consume while staying with you.
  • Observe your guests and see what they buy and use while on vacation. Check the house after they leave and you will see all the things they purchase. This research will help you understand what kind of things you should promote to your guests.

What categories should I use?

Think of all the different categories of people that visit your accommodation and separate the different products/services and experiences according to their interests.

Can I apply for GuestLikeLocal?

Anyone can apply, however:

  • You need to be legally eligible to sell/re-sell products/services.
  • You must be able to deliver goods/services on time.

I own multiple properties. Can I create multiple accounts/GuestLikeLocal e-shops?

  • One account (and email) per e-shop.
  • You can create multiple e-shops but their management will be difficult.
  • Try one e-shop per local area.

Make a profit with our product ideas

  • Local tours.
  • Transport services (Taxi, Minivan, VIP transfers, etc.).
  • Drinks (Beverages, Bottled Water, other drinks).
  • Snacks & Food (Fruit, ready meals, basic ingredients).
  • Local Products (does your local area produce something unique?).
  • Tickets to local sights and local services.

More Frequently Asked Questions



How can I increase my REVPAR?

Vacation Rentals

Vacation Rentals

Is it ok to use it?



How much does it cost?



Increase your RevPaR, enrich your offerings



How can I embrace it in my business?

Refer a Friend

Refer a Friend

How does this work?

How To

How To

Is it easy to sign up for GuestLikeLocal?



How do I get paid?

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